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It’s normal to get nervous or anxious from time to time. However, for some people, anxiety is so frequent it begins to take over their life. Anxiety comes in many forms, social anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, body image, or worry about what others may be think. There are techniques that can lessen or sometimes eliminate anxiety. Through counseling we can discover what works best for you, so that you can live again.
Symptoms of Anxiety
- Excessive Worry
- Sleep issues (falling asleep and or staying asleep)
- Anxiety attack / Panic attach
- Muscle tension
- Self-consciousness
- Panic
- Feeling like your mind has gone blank
- Perfectionism
- Compulsiveness behaviors and/or thoughts
- Self doubt
- Social isolation
- Anticipating the worst
- Irritability
How anxiety can get in the way
What is Anxiety? Anxiety is defined as your body’s natural response to danger. You can consider it as your natural alarm that goes off when we feel threatened, stressed, or put on the spot. In small doses, anxiety is not always a bad feeling. It can help you to feel focused, sharp, cause you to move into action, and may even motivate you to solve problems. However, when anxiety is consistent or overwhelming, it can interfere with your relationships and your everyday functioning.
What Anxiety can do to your body. Anxiety taps into your fight, flight, or freeze responses. It is not only a feeling, it also has a physical aspect. It is possible that you may have seen your doctor because of muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, only to have your doctor say you are in good health. It is not uncommon for people to believe that they have something physically wrong with them, when it is actually anxiety.
Anxiety Attacks. Anxiety attacks are episodes of intense panic and or fear. It can feel debilitating. These attacks can occur without warning, and last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. During these attacks you may feel as if you are about to die or lose all control. The fear of another attack occurring can feel like there is no place to escape.
Anxiety has a way of getting into your thoughts. People who experience anxiety tend to have recurring thoughts and overwhelming concerns. You may have found yourself trying to avoid these thoughts only to find that they keep coming back with more intensity. As a way to control your thoughts, you may avoid large crowds, special events, or any situation that cause nervousness. These thoughts can even convince you that you may fail at connecting with others, no one would be interesting in you, or you have nothing to offer. These thoughts can feel as if a baseball has been thrown to your stomach at full speed.
Concerns about anxiety counseling
I have lived with anxiety my entire life and I do not think it will change. Anxiety is treatable. If you have just begun to have problems or have been struggling with anxiety for years, the right type of therapy and skills can help you overcome anxiety. Many times clients will attempt a new technique only to come in the following session and say it did not work. New skills take practice. When clients have been able to practice skills, research has shown that clients feel more relaxed, and in power of their anxiety. They report that they feel grounded and less stressful.
I worry that focusing on my anxiety in therapy will cause me to feel worse. Anxiety counseling is not intended to create more discomfort, however it may bring clarity to aspects that are not working in your life. Anxiety may be trying to tell you that things are off balance and it needs your attention. This may cause you to move away from your comfort zone. However, with coping skills it is hoped that you will gain growth and healing. Looking at your anxiety takes courage, yet overcoming it is worth the freedom from it.
How anxiety treatment can help
Not everyone who experiences anxiety would be considered as having an anxiety disorder. There are times in our life that we become anxious due to a demanding schedule, lack of sleep, pressure at work or school, or being overwhelmed by responsibilities. We can work together to identify the type of anxiety you may have. If you are feeling isolated or unsupported, we can talk about your worries and create ways to make them less frightening.