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LGBTQI Struggles

What does LGBTQI mean? It’s an abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Queer, and In Question. While a person’s sexual or romantic orientation may not be a source of discomfort, those who identify as LGBTQI, or any other orientation, may prefer to see a counselor who has an understanding in this area.
Counseling in the LGBTQI Community
It is possible you are seeking therapy and it has nothing to do with your sexual or gender identity. I hold the belief that your struggles are no different than another other sexual or gender identifying person. Yet, at the same time I do not ignore it.
Whether you are struggling with depression, anxiety, relationship issues, or you are contemplating coming out to friends and family or questioning your identity, my office is a place that is non-judgmental and comfortable for you to express your emotions and who you are.
In counseling, my goal is to support you as you discover your authentic self, and explore what that means in your life. In our work, we may explore and understand long standing patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that maybe holding you back. We will work towards helping you find a sense of peace, confidence, and balance, allowing you to live your life to the fullest.
Areas of possible struggling
Fear. Are you coming out for the first time? Or maybe you came out many years ago, yet you started a new job and you fear coming out to your co-workers. Through counseling we can work through your fear about the reaction friends, co-worker and family members may have about your identity. We may work towards identifying your emotions, and understand where they come from, with the intention of helping you become more resilient to the judgement that others may have. It is possible that some relationships may end. I can help you with becoming more confident in dealing with your loved ones in a way that may help you build better relationships with them.
Discomfort. You may have been brought up in a religious home and you are at conflict with your personal feelings, sexual identity, and your spiritual beliefs. Maybe you have witnessed to or have directly experienced discrimination related to your identity. This struggle can bring out emotions of discomfort that you do not know how to manage.
Low view of self. We often use the term “self-esteem” to express how we view ourselves. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. This includes your thoughts and beliefs about yourself, and your opinions about who you are. Low self-esteem can lead to negative beliefs about yourself. They tend to be self-critical, self-blaming, and self-doubting. Low self-esteem can also lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, low body image, ruminating in negative thoughts, feelings of unworthiness, isolation, and over critical of your self.
The struggle of low self-esteem doesn’t have to feel paralyzing. Together we can find ways to feel better about who you are — to become happy with yourself. We will work to understand where the negative thoughts may come from and provide you with skills that allow you to view yourself in a more positive light.
Why counseling?
We all deserve to feel valued and successful. Fulfillment is not something that is created for us, yet it is something that we create for our self. Finding ways to feel authentic without fear, shame, guilt, or doubt gives you the opportunity to feel fulfilled. We often put off taking care of ourselves because other aspects of our lives get in the way. Understanding the importance and the necessity of giving yourself self-care as well as taking the time to be kind to yourself, can give you the opportunity to see through negativity that hinders progression.
Counseling can be an exploratory and trans formative time to begin looking deeper for answers and perspective. It can also be a place to find solutions to challenges.