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Life Transitions

As we move through life we go through many life changes. It can be difficult to navigate through a time of transition. Perhaps these situations have caused you stress, depression, anxiety, irritability, or insecurity. At times these moments can feel that hope is no where to be found.
Symptoms of depression
- Personal growth
- Moving to a new area
- Graduating high school
- Starting college
- Graduating college
- Entering the workforce
- Starting or ending a romantic relationship
- Getting married
- Having children
- Changing careers
- Losing someone you love - death, break up, divorce
- Coming out to your family and friends
Questions you might be asking yourself.
Was my decision the right one? When making a large life change, you may also be faced with a large amount of choices. The stress caused by working through choices that you believe is best fit for you may leave you with questioning your decisions. When questioning your decisions or unhappy with the results of choices, these thoughts can prevent you from moving forward.
Who will I turn to if I’m alone? With many transitions, it is possible that you may be an independent adult for the first time. This may be the first time you no longer rely on your parents or a spouse to help you make decisions. It can cause you to wonder if you are capable of making decisions on your own and how you are going to create a life independently.
Am I meeting everyone’s expectations? You may feel that you have pressure from people in your life. You may want to walk one path, while others in your life may expect you to walk another. This may create conflict internally if you are struggling to meet the expectations of others, or what you want differs from others.
Where do I go now? You may be at a point in your transition that you do not know what your goals are, or what the next step is. Trying to create and understand what your next step is, can feel overwhelming, and feel that you do not know what choice to make next.
Who am I? In many cases, our parents teach us morals and values that as adults we question. These morals and values may be connected to your culture, religion, or sexual identity. When you enter into a transitional period or change, it can lead you to evaluate your own morals and values.
I have goals, but how to I accomplish them? It’s possible that you have a clear view of what your goals are, but you don’t know how to reach them. Trying to figure out the next steps, what may stand in your way, and how to overcome obstacles can be difficult to do on your own.
Benefits to life transition counseling
Counseling is tailored to your specific needs and the life transition that you are encountering. By understanding your thoughts, reactions, emotions and environmental factors, we can create ways that will help you cope and adapt to changes. We may create strategies that can help you feel more in control of your emotional and mental well-being. For some people we look at how your internal thoughts may cause you to feel hopeless.
Transitions of any type can trigger unsettling feelings, this can include past issues, memories, and traumas. It maybe that you feel like all is at loss one minute, and the next minute you can feel hopeful. It can feel like being a stranger in your own body.
Transitions are a part of life. They are a time of opening up to understanding yourself more and an opportunity to strengthen your inner self. Whether you have chosen your transition or the transition came without you having the option, this transition offers you an opportunity to strengthen your self-resiliency and self-confidence. It is a time to increase your ability to make conscious choices.
It may feel discouraging to sort out your feeling with a counselor, however we can strengthen your sense of well-being and control, helping you through the difficulties and creating a smoother transition. When you are feeling overwhelmed it is hard to see through the fog, and yet with your best intentions the fog interferes with your intention to make the best choice for you. When you are given the chance to voice your feelings and thoughts in a place that is safe, with a skilled listener, you will begin to understand and manage those feelings and thoughts.